World Class Manufacturing
Using only the highest quality European sourced materials Multi Instruments manufactures:
• Instrumentation Manifolds & Needle Valves
• Close Coupled / Direct mounted Monoflange Solutions
(optional 10 mm drilling)
• Winterization and Freeze Protection enclosures. (optional process heating)
• Sun – Heat – Snow protection covers
The challenge is ours
Using either one of our enclosure concepts we challenge you to find some instrumentation which we cannot protect against freezing or keep it on a certain process temperature. Up until now we have protected gauges, transmitters, level radars, and much more….
Close Coupling allows users the ability to drastically improve the efficiency and cost of their pressure or differential pressure transmitter installations. At the same time, safety and reliability are improved by reducing potential leakage due to emissions, breakage, or component failure.
Using one of many Sunshade (or Snow cover use) solutions which protects your instrument against overheating and increasing your MTBF time.