The Multi Instruments enclosures consist of a bottom and a cover part manufactured in glass reinforced polyester. The diagonal way the cabinet closes offers maximum access of the instruments inside.
The cover part overlaps the bottom part with at least 3 mm and a neoprene sealing strip ensures a weather tight sealing.
All cabinets are standard delivered with stainless steel hinges, toggle latches and propstay.
An epoxy coated bottom carrierplate suitable for 2″ pipestands is also standard, optional also available in stainless steel.
Added Value
To ensure “Plug-and-Play” installation on-site we specialize in custom instrument hookup services.
Your (free issue supplied) instrument(s) will be fitted onto the appropriate manifold, stainless steel mounting plate and together with other requested options completely assembled, tagged and tested to your specifications.
Design Features
- Extends life of field equipment
- Flame retardant and self extinguishing acc. DIN 4102.B2
- Impact absorption better than 50kJ/m2 acc. DIN54353
- Standard thermal insulation 0,18W/(m.K)
- Operation Temperature -70 °C to +90 °C.
- Standard delivery with base mounting bracket for 2″ NB pipe stand. Material: epoxy coated carbon steel
- Anti-Static version acc. DIN-EN50014 < 109 Ohm
- Extended thermal insulation
- Steam tracing coil
- Heater Connection box
- Electric space heater EEx and Non-EEX
- Internal pipe stand
- Safety glass of poly carbonate windows
- Mountingplate for manifold assembly
The Multi Instruments GRP enclosures consist of a bottom and a cover part manufactured in glass-reinforced polyester. The diagonal way the cabinet closes offers maximum access of the instruments inside. Standard delivered with stainless steel hinges, toggle latches and prop stay. Bottom carrier plate suitable for 2” pipe stands is also standard.
Optional feature: Round safety glass window